What is Existence and the Absolutum.

What is existence?
How can I say something exists?
What is the driving factor when it comes to prove the phenomenon of existence?
I suppose I can say something exists, if I am aware of it's existence or if it is aware of it's existence. 
Suppose I say that an apple exists because I can experience it by perception, taste, smell or touch. 
Or I can say I exist because I experience stuff in essence experiencing cognition and awareness. 
So the experience of something is what dictates such an agent is existing or not. 
And for experience there needs to be consciousness at some level. 
Even the first living being (LUCA: last universal common ancestor) had some level of consciousness for it to experience it's surroundings and it's internal biology to survive. 
So existence can only be concluded when such an object is in experience of a subject( be it itself or an external awareness)
Existence here becomes a byproduct of experience of consciousness 
Now if consciousness is required for experience that drives existence then how did consciousness exist in the first place?
I have two answers:
1. Consciousness created it's own existence: that is consciousness at first grew conscious of itself, it's awareness of it's awareness grew and then it began existing. Without it's experience of itself, consciousness is equivalent to nothingness that which was before and after creation.
2. Consciousness is beyond existence: existence as we know it consists of a physical reality, platonic metaphysical elements of intelligible factors like mathematics, logic, universals, etc, emotions and feelings, psychological phenomenon of the psyche and mind like ego, thoughts, ideas, etc. Consciousness per say grew aware of these things hence forth these things were created from their experience. While consciousness is something that is beyond this "kind" of existence, Something else created Consciousness that is beyond existence "as we know it."

All I'm talking about here is consciousness as we know it, mostly human consciousness. 

From this I can only conclude that existence is a subjective phenomenon since it is our conscious experience that creates existence or reality. 
I think there one absolute, one continuum of a phenomenon indescribable in a logical and reasonable manner. Consciousness is what separates this absolute into spectrums and dualities. Time is eternity in cycles perceived linearly, creation and destruction are perspectives of causality and change, the yin yangs of existentence is drawn upon by Consciousness.
I think at the end there is " Absolutum" something that there was in the beginning as well. It is linearly flow of time and cycles of order and chaos on a multiversal scale that creates a disconnected sense of reality where there is separation. Everything and nothing is the creation of consciousness , and consciousness is the creation of Everything and nothing(this is paradoxical if you think of it with time but in actuality this includes creation of time itself [in everything] ) and this whole phenomenon together is a fraction of the "Absolutum" that encapsulates the whole process of existence beyond our comprehension.


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