
Intelligence, as we know it, is the capacity of a subject to understand and recognize possibilities and probablities in a given circumstance to the highest degree of accuracy, that is used to perform necessary actions towards the most favourable outcome. 
A subject can achieve such a goal through:
1. Mapping out a problem along all its dynamics:
Detecting the nature of the problem, what and how it affects the subject and constructing its entire grasp over the goals of the subject
2. Pattern recognision:
Recognizing Repetition, Progression, Degression, Fluctuations or a Rythym 
3. Running Calculations to execute a solution to said problem 
4. Retaining crucial information:
Retaining a given data base at origin of subject [if any] and retaining the errors or failures when encountered with past problems

Intelligence was developed as an evolutionary advantage for the lifeforms to combat existential risks and threats in their environment, overall aiming for longevity and sustainence.

There are two aproaches for this goal.
It is important first to identify the subject.
The subject in this context is not the organism, but the data set it contains.

This is because the organism serves only a purpose of long term sustainence [Galápagos Tortoise] and/or transfer of the data into a better host [ Humans ].

With a long enough view it is only logical to conclude, most biological lifeforms perform actions that serve this goal of sustainence and reproduction in turn evolving a latent being that seems to be learning and growing through a method of trial and error, a being that exists now only as a set of Genetic material

The takeaway here is that, evolutionary change, mutation and progressive adaptation of host to its ecosystem suggests, in my humble opinion, the existence of a something [Without conceptualising it as a biological being or lifeform] that is the end result of every successful choice and action taken by hosts containing the said data set. 

I'm not talking about a hypothetical godlike being that contains all information and knowledge at the end of space time that inturn has split its consciousness in quantum superposition such that it is all of us experiencing everything and taking every decision in multiple interations of possibilities as way of learning and reaching the end goal of its own existence stuck in a causality loop. 

No. I'm talking about a subject that is the evolutionary descendent of successful decisions and choices taken by constrained intelligent systems/lifeforms and contains the collective product of biological, technological, and other forms of information required for years of evolutionary success rates leading upto it. 

Not all mutations or adaptations will lead to such a subject as not every evolutionary change leads to long term existence. 
For example, over the course of 2.5 million years , various species of genus homo existed [ homo neanderthalis, homo erectus, homo denisovans, homo sapiens]
But now only species sapiens of genus homo [ modern day humans ] exist, although an argument can made for them being a mixed species, i am referring to the same requirement for genetic coalescence that was prefferred by natural selection

This is because natural selection and genetic mutations occur on a more instanteneous basis , that is , a subject adapts to its instant ecosystem and the new adaptations serve as the basis of sustenance until a new risk is faced when the subject is again forced to evolve accordingly.
This doesnt mean that anything can evolve into anything [ given the constraints of space, time, entropy, organic chemistry]. For example, panthera speleae was an evolutionary descendent of the pantherine lineage but it could not survive as it reached the limits of its adaptability given its circumstance where as panthera leo [lions] of the same lineage still exists today. Now panthera speleae could not revert back to its ancestral patherine family and restart a new mutation process, because of genetic limitations it faced after evolving into itself. 

In conclusion not all evolutionary change is focused for longterm existence. And the more adaptations appear the less probable adaptation possibilities exist.

For example, LUCA had more capacity of various kinds of evolution than modern humans do. 

This is because the Free will of evolution was subject to environmental constraints and limitations of possible genetic mutations of the organism. And the more adaptations show, the possibilities of new adaptations gradually decrease. For example, plants evolved into more kinds of species than protista.

Intelligence, per say, is found in everything. Although an ant cant perform complex calculus or a bird can't solve the grand unification problem of quantum and classical physics, intelligence is not a comparable ability unless the hosts have the same capacity for it and same environment. A dolphin's and a cockroach's neural pathways solely evolved for their own ecosystem and they cant survive in switched places. That is to say, our measure of intelligence is based upon complexity of neural structures and effective brain functioning, yet we could could not create a route for the japanese subway as optimized as a brainless physarum polycephalum slime mould.

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of intelligence due to a lack of commonly agreed upon definition.
An electron could be said to be intelligent by looking at its states of quantum superposition, something that allows various kinds of hydrocarbon chains to form.
Mud can be said to be intelligent based upon its interactive properties with other mud particles that allows water retention leading to formation of plant life.

I have intentionally brought out two aspects in understanding of intelligence 
1. The lack of an information processing system
2. Intelligence being a byproduct of their natural state of existence
Both resulting in successful functioning of our world as we know it.

The need for a central processing system is for sharing information on a large scale, running calculations, grasping possibilities and mapping or analyzing complex data. 
If a subject shows capability of creating such a system then with time , the system will evolve into a more energy efficient model given that is the necessity for thriving in its ecosystem. With enough time such a system would evolve into such a state that it would be essentially impossible to distinguish the system as a part of a subject and not the subject itself.
A common problem we face today while understanding human consciousness.

The deeper we percieve, it becomes more and more clear that intelligence exists in different states and forms everywhere. And on a daily basis we harness and actualize that intelligence in our lives, from turning of gears in watches to operating nuclear reactors. 

In our current age of Widespread use of AI, we use various ways of information processing to harness this intelligence. 
At this moment we use various artificial neural networks like 
1.Feed forward neural networks: where information passes in only one direction [eg:Convolutional Neural Networks used for image or video classification]
2.Recurrent Neural Networks: which allows bidirectional flow of data
3.Radial basis neural networks
4.Other Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks

Machine learning is another tool where essentially a network of computational structures [complex multilayer percepton neural networks] process data, recognize patterns and retains the information to solve problems and understand its mistakes and make better decisions the next time. An intelligence model based upon mathematical calculation, logic gates and computable data.  

Intelligence itself is a tool that can be used according to the motives of the subject, something that is also determined by previous interations of the subject and its intelligence. Both motives and fulfilling those motives are based upon intelligence of the past iterations, and intelligence of the current host then becomes a byproduct of said motives and ways of accomplising those motives. Such is the paradoxical loop of intelligence. 

So breeding intelligence without constrained goals randomly at the mercy of enviroment may lead to unforseen outcomes as with growing intelligent hosts, they can directly impact changes in the environment. Like in our modern day societies, where the CFCs nearly depleted the ozone layer or metropolitization caused ecosystem destruction and large scale flora and fauna extinction.

Evolution seemingly is the change that occurs based upon facing a ceiling or boundary by an entity in a two entity system, where the grasp of one drives the other to change accordingly, that is, evolutionary adaptations occur either in the host or in the enviroment , whichever has more power over the other and as i mentioned before Not All Evolutionary Change Leads To Successful Long Term Existence.

Intelligence is seeking the highest degree of truth without bias or prejudice and rising beyond personal gain to see the bigger picture without the looking glass of wants and needs. 


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