Thesis i : How a Multiverse Works.

The universe is a collective of causalities and effects, and due to gravity and entropy black holes are formed in the vast stretch of space time.

Now say a black hole is formed at the centre of our galaxy, everything falling into it will reach the centre of singularity or a ringularity.

                      Schwartzchild Radius     

A black hole essentially engulfs fundamental particles like photons, quarks, etc and spacetime is also drawn into it because  the basic spacial and temporal dimensions are an intrinsic nature of particles.

Here as a particle falls in, it stops travelling in time , as gravity slows time down from the ergosphere. And the particle travels straight towards the centre.
But as it falls down time passes rapidly from its point of view.
Due to time dilation caused by gravity time speeds up for it.
A falling particle can observe the whole universe unfolding and essentially the end of the universe as it moves closer to the singularity which is a point of infinite gravity causing extreme time dilation.

Also since a black hole is a place of infinite gravity , it pokes a hole in space time itself.

So it technically a Falling particle travels to a place at the end of space and time.
Absolute nothingness where space and time cease to exist.

Also at the end of the universe, we will encounter an era called the black hole era. Where all matter will essentially turn into black holes, so all falling particles will eventually be pulled inside it reaching the same nothingness.

Since nothingness is devoid of spacial and temporal dimensions hence any coordinate on nothingness is the same coordinate.

Now what happens is all black holes and their singularities are connected to this same point in the nothingness where all particle wavefunctions concentrate along with the formation of space time itself in an infinitely dense singularity and with time as the black hole evaporates with hawking radiation, the connection is severed and a new branch of space time is formed and with a big bang a new universe is born since the gravity holding the singularity is gone, while an energetic remnant of the past universe will remain as thermal radiation, a bunch of disarranged photons/ EM radiation similar to the CMB.

M = P(U) × P(B) × N(B) × P(Fp) × N(FP) × matrix(X,Y,Z).matrix(T)

M= formation of a Multiverse

P(U)= Probability of existence of a universe

P(B)= Probability of existence of a black hole

P(Fp)=Probability of number of Falling Fundamental particles

(X+Y+Z+T)= Spacial and Temporal Dimensions 

Credits: ig @dxsk._


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