Topic i : Can space exist without time? Topic ii : Can space time exist separately without something to experience it?

Can space exist without time?
To think simply 3Dimensions of space can surely exist without a 4th dimension of time.
But if critically thought, a particle experiencing a coordinate x1,y1,z1 will not experience coordinate x2,y2,z2 unless there is a t (temporal) dimension along with it can move in time for the displacement from A to B.
Two points in space can exist without time but a particle cannot experience two different points in space unless there is time for the particle to move from the first point to the next. 
Although an argument can be made along the lines of quantum superposition, 
such that the particle can exist in multiple points in space without the requirements of time as a factor.
And for a particle to exist in two points of space and time , a connecting route between the points need to be made and a higher spacial dimension might be the reason for that.
A particle might exist discretely in a higher dimension hence it can exist in multiple points of space-time. 
Another way for experiencing space without time is teleportation, which again is having a higher spacial dimension, such that the particle can move through the higher dimension and reach a different point in space without moving through time. 
So space can exist without time but for a particle to move in space it needs either time or a higher spacial dimension.

But can space and time exist as a separate quantity from particles experiencing them?
Its easy to think about time, if the universe was one particle in spacetime and i remove the particle then ofcourse time for it ceases to exist. Hence time simply stops.
But does space still exist?? 
Here i propose a theory, feel free to criticize, space and time are intrinsic functions of particles experiencing it. 
Like time, space exists only where a particle exists, and as it moves it creates space accordingly.
Basically if a particle doesn't exist in the one particle universe thought experiment, space and time ceases to exist as well. Space and time are created along the world lines according to which particles exist.
Imagine vaccum space, and one photon moving in it. Then space is manifested wherever the photon is at every moment and subsequently unmanifested wherever the photon moves away from. And time exists as a quality of the existence of the photon that is manifested as long as the photon isn't absorbed by some other particle. (Time of the photon).
Hence space and time doesn't exist without having a particle to experience it.
The basic philosophy behind this ontological conclusion is that for something to exist it should have an agent to experience it. 


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