

Intelligence , as we know it, is the capacity of a subject to understand and recognize possibilities and probablities in a given circumstance to the highest degree of accuracy, that is used to perform necessary actions towards the most favourable outcome.  A subject can achieve such a goal through: 1. Mapping out a problem along all its dynamics: Detecting the nature of the problem, what and how it affects the subject and constructing its entire grasp over the goals of the subject 2. Pattern recognision : Recognizing Repetition, Progression, Degression, Fluctuations or a Rythym  3. Running Calculations to execute a solution to said problem  4. Retaining crucial information : Retaining a given data base at origin of subject [if any] and retaining the errors or failures when encountered with past problems Intelligence was developed as an evolutionary advantage for the lifeforms to combat existential risks and threats in their environment, overall aiming for longevity and su

The Last Photon

I sat at the end of time , as the last super massive black torroid [ a evolutionary descendant of what u think now are black holes ] evaporated into thermal radiation and with one last flash of UV rays the universe went quiet. I couldn't help but chase one final photon , the slowest wavicle in the UV burst. Something odd seemed to happen, the wavefunction seemed to spread out evenly in space until its probability was near zero everywhere and then, without any noise, it was gone. Where? How? I dont know. The final photon was eradicated from existence. I existed in a form that required no foundation of space or time so i couldn't really say if your dimensional manifold remained or not. All i realised was a silent hum in my mind, a note in d natural "Dha DhaRe'Re' Re'Ga'Re' Sa'NiDha" , some birds , chimming of salangai, followed a loud thud of some metallic thing. I folded myself inwards and followed the echo of th

Abiogenesis: a misconception of consciousness

Abiogenesis is the process by which inorganic chemicals form life sustainaning organic structures.  In prebiotic earth life is theorized to have formed in place like hydrothermal vents of the oceans, sea shores, or inside the earth's surface where there was an influx of compounds like hydrogen, ammonia, methane, etc and heat that provided the energy for the interactions of these compounds to form complex organic structures that form the lipid layers, protein, nucleobases, nucleotides, peptides, etc that essentially led to the formation of the first instances of organic life on this planet.  If you look at life , especially less complex life forms. You could easily see a pattern hidden there. Essentially life forms , since birth, look for chemical compounds around the environment and ingest what's required and excrete what's waste and throughout their lifetime this function continues until it reproduces sexually or asexually and dies. ( Metabolism and

What is Existence and the Absolutum.

What is existence? How can I say something exists? What is the driving factor when it comes to prove the phenomenon of existence? I suppose I can say something exists, if I am aware of it's existence or if it is aware of it's existence.  Suppose I say that an apple exists because I can experience it by perception, taste, smell or touch.  Or I can say I exist because I experience stuff in essence experiencing cognition and awareness.  So the experience of something is what dictates such an agent is existing or not.  And for experience there needs to be consciousness at some level.  Even the first living being ( LUCA: last universal common ancestor ) had some level of consciousness for it to experience it's surroundings and it's internal biology to s urvive.  So existence can only be concluded when such an object is in experience of a subject ( be it itself or an external awareness) Existence here becomes a byproduct of expe

Thesis ii: Discovering The 5th Dimension

The word "dimension" means measurable direction. For example the 3 dimensions of space : length, breadth and depth and the 4th dimension of time.  I theorise a 5th dimension that has been sitting under our noses all this while.  Say you are an entity devoid of a physical body and exist only as a singularity of consciousness, sitting at a point from where you can see the whole universe as one. Now if u shrink in , such that you dont move in any of the x , y , z dimensions, you reach the centre of the universe from where u can see stars and galaxies around you like a human through a telescope.  If you shrink again, such that you reach the a point from where you can see the atoms around you.  And if u keep shrinking you'll reach the subatomic particles of neutrons and protons then the fundamental particles of quarks and finally a quantum reality of wavefunctions where all matter and energy take a wave-particle like form in a st

The philosophy of " beyond everything and nothing"

All of existence, which is in and not in our sensory perception and conscious or unconscious knowledge, is referred to as "everything" in this context. From fundamental particles, space time's physicality to thoughts, emotions, dreams, feeling's metaphysicality, it contains the entirety of absolute. Anything that is in experience of any form of consciousness is constructed under the bounds of "everything". The absolute lack of anything, before space time existed and beyond a Multiverse, the fundamental from which everything occurred, is referred to as "nothing". It is the absence of not only anything physical, but also anything metaphysical, spiritual, etheric, etc. I have pointed out the aspects of everything and nothing because, Reality is a gameplay that occurs between everything and nothing. Through the cycles of creation, order, entropy,chaos and destruction, Reality as we know it, occured from nothing and

Topic i : Can space exist without time? Topic ii : Can space time exist separately without something to experience it?

Can space exist without time? To think simply 3Dimensions of space can surely exist without a 4th dimension of time. But if critically thought, a particle experiencing a coordinate x1,y1,z1 will not experience coordinate x2,y2,z2 unless there is a t (temporal) dimension along with it can move in time for the displacement from A to B. Two points in space can exist without time but a particle cannot experience two different points in space unless there is time for the particle to move from the first point to the next.  Although an argument can be made along the lines of quantum superposition,  such that the particle can exist in multiple points in space without the requirements of time as a factor. And for a particle to exist in two points of space and time , a connecting route between the points need to be made and a higher spacial dimension might be the reason for that. A particle might exist discretely in a higher dimension hence it c